WAT CHANG HAI (2455 - 2512)
LP Tim or Phra Khru WiSaiSoPhon was a former abbot of Wat Chang Hai in Pattanee Province and the first monk who created LP Thuad amulet. He was born on the 21st August 1912 in Pattanee Province.
At the age of 18, he got ordained as a novice at Wat NaPraDoo, Pattanee Province. Then he resigned to help his parents do the farm. At the age of 20, he got ordained as a monk at the same temple and became a teacher teaching Buddhist principles. In 1941, he became an abbot of Wat Chang Hai. He made LP Thuad amulets for sale in order to collect money to build the chapel and restore the area of Wat Chang Hai. LP Tim had begun being ill because of esophagus cancer in 1967. He passed away on the 30th November 1969. He was a good monk and helped people. Although he has gone, people remember him.