WAT SUAN KAN (2419 - 2513)
LP Klai (B.E.2419~2513), commonly known as Phor Than Klai, was one of the respectable monk and famous southern monk. He was given the title "Golden Mouth 金口师傅" because whatever he had said or predicted, will always come true.
When LP Klai was 14 years old, he went with his uncle to chop firewood and the tree he was chopping fell towards him and squashed his left leg. LP Klai thought it was nothing much just a small injury and did not seek for medical attention. But the injury eventually became worse as his left ankle was shattered upon inspection. It swelled till very big and contacted gangrenous and the pain was unbearable. One day when LP Klai could not bear the pain anymore and he took a sharp knife and chopped off the swollen ankle region. When someone found out and immediately went to find herbs to help him to stop the bleedings and doctor to cure him. After this incident, LP Klai had trouble getting around and usually moved around on a water buffalo.
LP Klai was ordained at the age of 15 and by the age of 26, he became the abbot of the temple. LP Klai was one of the very respectful monks by the Thai King. A lot of mystery things happened on LP Klai and when he passed away. They wanted to cremate his body but they can't cimply tourched the torso. In the end, Thai King himself try to light it personally but only can burnt one of his toes. Presently, LP Klai's body can still be view in the temple.